Paladin Life Care stays abreast of the very latest life care management insight and developments through our active memberships in leading industry organizations. We are a proud member of:

NGA’s mission is to advance the nationally recognized standard of excellence in guardianship.

Aging Life Care® management is a holistic, client-centered approach to caring for older adults or others facing ongoing health challenges. Paladin Life Care Team members Alice P. Paxton, Julie Rose, Emily Duncan, and Shelia Kirkbride are proud members of the Aging Life Care® Association.

The Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) designation was developed in partnership with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). CAPS professionals have been trained to provide holistic, inclusive, and practical home modification solutions for the unique needs of the 50+ adult population and individuals with disabilities. Julie Rose is a CAPS professional.

The Financial Planning Association® (FPA®) is the leading membership organization for CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals and those engaged in the financial planning process.

AADMM’s mission is to support daily money management services in an ethical manner, to provide information and education to members and the public, and to develop a network of dedicated professionals.

NAPO’s mission is to enable Productivity and Organizing Professionals to create successful careers and grow thriving businesses that bring order and efficiency to clients’ lives.